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- MONDHOEKEN | Clinic Dokter Charlotte Laren 't Gooi
MOUTH CORNERS Some people pull the corners of their mouths down when talking or with certain facial expressions more than others. This is due to overactivity of a muscle and can lead to the corners of the mouth lowering even at rest, which can cause a bit of a dissatisfactionate look. While (hopefully) you don't feel that way at all! The overactive muscle (depressor anguli oris) can be relaxed with botox, but the result is generally very subtle and a better result will be achieved by a filler in this place. TREATMENT : BOTOX MOUTH CORNERS DURATION OF TREATMENT: 1 MINUTE PAIN: MINIMUM VISIBLE: AFTER 4-5 DAYS RECOVERY TIME: NONE RESULT: SUBTLE LIFT MOUTH CORNERS DURATION EFFECT: 3-5 MONTHS PRICE: €100,- CONSULTATION: FREE AFTER CARE: 24 HOURS NO SUN/SAUNA/SPORT TREATMENT During the consultation we discuss your wishes and everything is explained. Botox is injected into the muscle with an ultra-thin needle. Small red bumps may be visible in the places where the injection has been made, these will disappear within an hour. Sometimes a small bruise occurs, this usually disappears within a few days. You can safely use camouflage or arnica ointment after 60 minutes if necessary. After 4-5 days you will see that it starts to take effect, after 14 days it works completely. For optimal results, it is best to avoid heat (sun/sauna) for 24 hours, do not exercise and do not massage the treated area. Once the movement returns, the treatment can be repeated. EFFECT Botox ensures that the targeted muscles remain relaxed for 3-5 months. Folds due to movement (dynamic lines) can no longer arise The corners of the mouth are subtly lifted
- SCULPTRA | Clinic Dokter Charlotte
CHEEKS Sculptra is een sterk product tegen huidverslapping en werkt het beste voor de slapen, wangen en kaaklijn. Het kan ook ingezet worden om volume toe te voegen op deze plaatsen. Huidverslapping van bijvoorbeeld de hals, decolleté, buik en ledematen kan ook met Sculptra worden verbeterd. Het is een bio-stimulator gebaseerd op de natuurlijke stof poly-L-melkzuur en verstevigt en verbetert de kwaliteit van de huid. Niet alleen door de collageen en elastine aanmaak in de bestaande fibroblasten te stimuleren, maar daarnaast ook door extra fibroblasten in de huid aan te trekken. Dit zorgt voor een heel natuurlijk resultaat met strakkere huid, meer hydratatie, een egalere teint en glowy look. Omdat het een langdurig proces is van je eigen cellen zal het resultaat zich langzaam ontwikkelen in de loop van 6 maanden. Een groot voordeel is dat je er daardoor ook lang plezier van hebt! De behandeling bestaat meestal uit een kuur van 2 of 3 behandelingen van 1 of meerdere flacons, afhankelijk van de mate van huidverslapping en volume behoefte. BEHANDELING : SCULPTRA DUUR BEHANDELING: 1 TOT 3 KEER 30-45 MIN PIJN: MATIG ZICHTBAAR: OPTIMALE RESULTAAT NA 6 MND HERSTELTIJD: 0-3 DAGEN (BIJ BLAUWE PLEK) RESULTAAT: VERBETEREN/VERSTEVIGEN HUID DUUR: 18-24 MAANDEN PRIJS: VANAF €625,- (1x1 FLACON) VRIJBLIJVEND CONSULT: GRATIS NAZORG: 5 DAGEN, 5 KEER PER DAG, 5 MINUTEN MASSEREN. 1-2 WEKEN GEEN ZON/SAUNA/ANDERE GEZICHTSBEHANDELINGEN ONDERGAAN. GEMIDDELD NODIG: 1-3 FLACONS PER BEHANDELING TREATMENT During the consultation we discuss your wishes and everything is explained. With a cannula, the filler is evenly distributed over the cheeks. Some redness may be visible after the treatment, which usually disappears within an hour. Sometimes a bruise occurs, it usually disappears in 4-10 days. You can safely use camouflage or arnica ointment after 24 hours if necessary. The nice thing about fillers; you see immediate results! It does take some time to settle down, after 6-8 weeks the result is on its best. For optimal results, it is best not to exercise for 24 hours and avoid heat (sun/sauna) and other beauty treatments for 2 weeks. As soon as you notice that the cheeks are sinking in again, the treatment can be repeated. You often need less product than the first time. EFFECT A filler gives volume and stays in place in the cheeks for an average of 6-12 months. Reduce wrinkles Softer shape, associated with youthfulness Healthier, younger and more cheerful appearance
- FIJNE LIJNEN | Clinic Dokter Charlotte Laren 't Gooi
FINE LINES Fine, superficial lines or scratches generally appear where the skin is repeatedly pushed into a particular fold. Like the 'barcode' on the upper lip or fine lines on the cheeks. This can be caused by movement, but 'sleep wrinkles' are also common, these are usually vertical. With fillers you can fill the lines very superficially, in a natural way. When there is skin slackening, an additional treatment with skinboosters or Profhilo can be recommended for optimal results. TREATMENT : FILLER FINE LINES DURATION OF TREATMENT: 15 - 30 MINUTES PAIN: MODERATE (NUMBING CREAM) VISIBLE: DIRECTLY RECOVERY TIME: 0-14 DAYS (WHEN BRUISING) RESULT: FINE LINES DISAPPEAR/SOFTEN DURATION: 6 - 12 MONTHS PRICE: FROM €300,- CONSULTATION: FREE AFTER CARE: 24 HOURS NO SPORT + 2 WEEKS NO SUN/SAUNA AVERAGE NEEDED: 0.5 - 2 ML TREATMENT During the consultation we discuss your wishes and everything is explained. After the area has been covered with anesthetic cream, the filler is placed in the wrinkle with an ultra-thin needle just under the skin. Some redness and swelling will be visible after the treatment, which usually disappears within an hour. This also regularly causes bruises, which usually disappear in 4-14 days. You can safely use camouflage or arnica ointment after 24 hours if necessary. The nice thing about fillers; you see immediate results! It does take some time to settle down, the end result is visible after 2 weeks. For optimal results, it is best not to exercise for 24 hours and to avoid heat (sun/sauna) and other laser/beauty treatments for 2 weeks. As soon as you notice that the lines are getting deeper, the treatment can be repeated. EFFECT A filler gives volume and stays in place in the skin for an average of 6-12 months. Lines disappear / soften Younger appearance
- GUMMY SMILE | Clinic Dokter Charlotte Laren 't Gooi
GUMMY SMILE In some people, a large area of their gums is visible at the top when they smile broadly. This is due to an overactive muscle that pulls up the upper lip. It is also possible that you only suffer from this on one side, causing a crooked smile. This problem is very easy to solve by relaxing the muscle with botox. Of course you can still smile after this treatment! TREATMENT : BOTOX GUMMY SMILE DURATION OF TREATMENT: 1 MINUTE PAIN: MINIMUM VISIBLE: AFTER 4-5 DAYS RECOVERY TIME: NONE RESULT: LESS/NO MORE GUMMY SMILE DURATION EFFECT: 3-5 MONTHS PRICE: €100,- CONSULTATION: FREE AFTER CARE: 24 HOURS NO SUN/SAUNA/SPORT TREATMENT During the consultation we discuss your wishes and everything is explained. Botox is injected into the muscle with an ultra-thin needle. Small red bumps may be visible in the places where the injection has been made, these will disappear within an hour. Sometimes a small bruise occurs, this usually disappears within a few days. You can safely use camouflage or arnica ointment after 60 minutes if necessary. After 4-5 days you will see that it starts to take effect, after 14 days it works completely. For optimal results, it is best to avoid heat (sun/sauna) for 24 hours, do not exercise and do not massage the treated area. Once the gums become visible again, the treatment can be repeated. EFFECT Botox ensures that the targeted muscles remain relaxed for 3-5 months. The lip pulls up less, so that the gums are less / no longer visible when you smile broadly Your facial expression is better balanced Your smile is more symmetrical
BEFORE and AFTER Everyone has a different anatomy and wishes and results therefore also vary per individual. Here are a few examples of common treatments. 42 40 Fillers Laren Full Face 2 Clinic Dokter Charlotte 42 1/8 Klik op de pijlen om te scrollen FULL FACE FILLERS & BOTOX Strategically placed fillers and botox for a more open, fresh look with natural results. FROWN and FOREHEAD BOTOX Nice result after 2 treatments with botox against expression lines of frown and forehead. 52 18 52 1/2 Klik op de pijlen om te scrollen 60 61 57 60 1/7 Klik op de pijlen om te scrollen LIPS FILLERS Subtle and natural result op lip fillers. LOWER FACE FILLERS Treatment of chin, jawline, lips and fine lines with fillers. 21 9_edited 21 1/2 Klik op de pijlen om te scrollen
- DISCLAIMER | Clinic Dokter C
DISCLAIMER No rights can be derived from the content of this website. Despite the greatest possible careful attention that has been paid to this website, Clinic Dokter Charlotte B.V. accepts no liability for damage resulting from any imperfection or error in the content of this website. Clinic Doctor Charlotte B.V. also is not liable for the information on websites that you visit this website. Any links are provided as a courtesy to you without Clinic Dokter Charlotte B.V. being held responsible for their content. In addition, checking for any presence of viruses and other harmful matters is your own responsibility. If anyone believes they are entitled to the content of this website, they are kindly asked to contact info@clinicdoktercharlotte.nl . It is not permitted to take over, copy, otherwise reproduce or make public data from this site without the prior written permission of Clinic Dokter Charlotte B.V. All before and after photos are from clients of Drs. Charlotte Franke unless otherwise stated and are posted with their express permission. It is not allowed to use these photos without written permission from Clinic Dokter Charlotte B.V. The specific results as pictured cannot be guaranteed. Results of treatments can vary per individual and per treatment.
- ROND DE MOND | Clinic Dokter Charlotte Laren 't Gooi
AROUND THE MOUTH When puckering the lips, vertical lines can appear in the skin around the mouth. These are often called smokers' lines, but people who don't smoke can also suffer from this. By making the muscle slightly less strong in some places with Botox, these lines can be prevented from developing or becoming deeper. The result of this treatment is generally very subtle, in many cases a small amount of filler in the skin and/or lips will give a better result. TREATMENT : BOTOX AROUND THE MOUTH DURATION OF TREATMENT: 5 MINUTES PAIN: MODERATE VISIBLE: AFTER 4-5 DAYS RECOVERY TIME: NONE RESULT: WRINKLES DISAPPEAR/SOFTEN DURATION EFFECT: 6-8 WEEKS PRICE: €100,- CONSULT: FREE AFTER CARE: 24 HOURS NO SUN/SAUNA/SPORT TREATMENT During the consultation we discuss your wishes and everything is explained. Botox is injected into the muscle with an ultra-thin needle. Small red bumps may be visible in the places where the injection has been made, these will disappear within an hour. Sometimes a small bruise occurs, this usually disappears within a few days. You can safely use camouflage or arnica ointment after 60 minutes if necessary. After 4-5 days you will see that it starts to take effect, after 14 days it works completely. For optimal results, it is best to avoid heat (sun/sauna) for 24 hours, do not exercise and do not massage the treated area. Once the movement returns, the treatment can be repeated. EFFECT Because the mouth is so mobile and the muscle is only partially relaxed, the effect wears off faster, on average you can enjoy it for 6-8 weeks. Reduce creases due to movement (dynamic lines) The skin gets time to recover Wrinkles at rest (static lines) soften or disappear over months The upper lip is lifted very subtly (3mm) The first two weeks, spouting / speaking / drinking can feel a bit crazy
COVID REGULATIONS In connection with COVID-19, there are currently a number of important measures based on the guidelines of the RIVM. I would like to ask you to read these measures carefully and to respect them during your visit. Do not come to the clinic if you suffer from: Fever (> 38 degrees) or a feverish feeling Sore throat, cough, shortness of breath or a cold Diarrhea Your symptoms have disappeared for less than 24 hours and at least 7 days have passed since the start of the symptoms. Do not come to the clinic when: You came back from an orange or red area less than 10 days ago. A roommate is in home isolation You are part of a contact investigation Furthermore, the following applies: A 'no shaking hands' policy. The basic principle is that people come to their appointment alone. Be on time, but no earlier than 5 minutes before the start of your appointment to avoid a full waiting room. Are you earlier? Preferably wait in the car or outside at an appropriate distance from any other people present. Wearing a nose and mouth cap is not mandatory, but the doctor does wear one. Disinfect your hands before and after a visit. There is disinfection material for this at the entrance/exit. Everyone keeps 1,5 meters distance in the entire clinic. Preference is given to payment via pin.
- RRS EYES | Clinic Dokter Charlotte Laren
CHEEKS RRS Eyes is een injectable serum tegen vochtwallen, fijne lijntjes onder de ogen en donkere kringen. Het geeft geen volume, dus het is geen filler! Je kunt het vergelijken met een skinbooster. De hoofdbestanddelen van RRS Eyes zijn hyaluronzuur, antioxidanten, polyfenolen en flavonoiden, die de vochtafvoer bevorderen en de kwaliteit van de huid verbeteren. Dat zorgt voor vermindering van de vochtwallen, verzachten van fijne lijntjes en een oplichting van donkere kringen. De behandeling bestaat uit een kuur van 4 of 6 keer met steeds 7-14 dagen ertussen. Indicaties voor RRS Eyes: Donkere kringen Vochtwallen (puffy eyes) Vermoeide blik Fijne lijntjes onder de ogen BEHANDELING : RRS EYES DUUR BEHANDELING: 4 TOT 6 KEER 15 MIN PIJN: MATIG ZICHTBAAR: OPTIMALE RESULTAAT NA 6 MND HERSTELTIJD: 0-3 DAGEN (BIJ BLAUWE PLEK) RESULTAAT: VERMINDEREN WALLEN DUUR: 6 MAANDEN PRIJS: VANAF €500,- (KUUR 4 BEHANDELINGEN) VRIJBLIJVEND CONSULT: GRATIS NAZORG: DAG VAN BEHANDELING GEEN: SPORT/ZON/SAUNA GEMIDDELD NODIG: 4-6 BEHANDELINGEN TREATMENT During the consultation we discuss your wishes and everything is explained. With a cannula, the filler is evenly distributed over the cheeks. Some redness may be visible after the treatment, which usually disappears within an hour. Sometimes a bruise occurs, it usually disappears in 4-10 days. You can safely use camouflage or arnica ointment after 24 hours if necessary. The nice thing about fillers; you see immediate results! It does take some time to settle down, after 6-8 weeks the result is on its best. For optimal results, it is best not to exercise for 24 hours and avoid heat (sun/sauna) and other beauty treatments for 2 weeks. As soon as you notice that the cheeks are sinking in again, the treatment can be repeated. You often need less product than the first time. EFFECT A filler gives volume and stays in place in the cheeks for an average of 6-12 months. Reduce wrinkles Softer shape, associated with youthfulness Healthier, younger and more cheerful appearance
- Huidverbetering in Laren bij Clinic Doker Charlotte
SKIN IMPROVEMENT Our skin starts to age from our 25th and then becomes thinner, weaker and drier. This is called skin laxity and is due to a decrease in collagen and elastin. The hyaluronic acid in skin boosters and Profhilo prevents skin aging by stimulating the body's own production of these two substances. No volume is added and therefore these are not fillers. HUIDVERBETERING HUIDVERZORING SkinCeuticals SkinCeuticals is known for it's 30+ years of extensive dermatological scientific research on active skin products. The efficacy of these is proven and high quality. Their philosophy is based on three important pillars within skin improvement: Prevent - prevent signs of early skin aging Correct - correct visible signs of skin damage Protect - prevent damage from UV-radiation SKINBOOSTERS PROFHILO A treatment with skin boosters and Profhilo is suitable for sagging skin of the face, neck, décolleté, hands, abdomen, arms and knees. It reduces fine lines and gives a nice healthy glow. We are happy to advise you about this in a free and non-binding consultation. MAKE APPOINTMENT
- BOTOX AND FILLERS | Clinic Dokter C
BOTOX Botox is a muscle relaxer. A botox treatment can have both medical and cosmetic purposes. We are happy to help you with expression lines, overactive muscles, an angry look and much more. Medically botox works well when you suffer from grinding, clenching, headaches or excessive sweating. VIEW TREATMENTS BOTOX FILLERS A filler provides temporary volume and consists of a gel that can be placed in or under the skin. Fillers can be the perfect solution against wrinkles and for restoring lost volume, correcting absent volume and plumping the lips. SEE MORE PHOTOS FILLERS