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  • Clinic Dokter Charlotte Laren: specialist in Botox en Fillers in 't Gooi

    DOCTOR CHARLOTTE FRANKE COSMETIC DOCTOR KNMG BOTOX - FILLERS & SKIN IMPROVEMENT DOCTOR CHARLOTTE I am Charlotte, an aesthetic doctor and I perform cosmetic and medical treatments with injectables such as botox & fillers. My goal is to make people look fresher and feel better in a natural way. Both during and after the treatment! ABOUT THE CLINIC Clinic Dokter Charlotte is located in the middle of nice shops and restaurants, yet very private. The relaxed and homely atmosphere will make you feel at ease. ​ Free parking is possible in front of the building with a parking disc. ​ Would you like to know more about the covid regulations in the clinic? Click here. CONTACT TREATMENTS BOTOX Botox is a temporary muscle relaxer. If you suffer from headaches, grinding, clenching your jaw or have/want to prevent movement wrinkles , Botox may be a suitable solution. READ MORE FILLERS A filler is a filler, it can restore lost or lacking volume within or under the skin. That way we kan create a fresher look and slow down the ageing process. READ MORE SKIN IMPROVEMENT Pure Hyaluronic Acid stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in the skin. This results, among other things, in better hydration, a firmer structure and a more even complexion. READ MORE ALL TREATMENTS For the most beautiful and long-lasting effect with a natural result, a combination of treatments is often best. We are happy to advise you about the possibilities in a free and non-binding consultation. READ MORE 3D PHOTOGRAPHY By means of 3D photography we can make a very good analysis of your face, which ensures a better treatment plan and the best results. In addition, it is of course also very cool to see yourself in 3D on the screen! Send Thanks for submitting! CONTACT Would you like to know more about our treatments or what we can do for your unique face? Please feel free to contact us via our registration form or make an appointment. MAKE AN APPOINTMENT Contact

  • BEFORE/AFTER PHOTOS | Clinic Dokter C

    BEFORE and AFTER ​ Everyone has a different anatomy and wishes and results therefore also vary per individual. Here are a few examples of common treatments. 42 40 Fillers Laren Full Face 2 Clinic Dokter Charlotte 42 1/8 Klik op de pijlen om te scrollen FULL FACE FILLERS & BOTOX Strategically placed fillers and botox for a more open, fresh look with natural results. FROWN and FOREHEAD BOTOX Nice result after 2 treatments with botox against expression lines of frown and forehead. 52 18 52 1/2 Klik op de pijlen om te scrollen 60 61 57 60 1/7 Klik op de pijlen om te scrollen LIPS FILLERS Subtle and natural result op lip fillers. LOWER FACE FILLERS Treatment of chin, jawline, lips and fine lines with fillers. 21 9_edited 21 1/2 Klik op de pijlen om te scrollen

  • FAQ | Clinic Dokter C

    FAQ (only in Dutch)

  • VOORHOOFD | Clinic Dokter Charlotte Laren 't Gooi

    FOREHEAD By raising the eyebrows or looking surprised, most people get horizontal creases in the forehead. In the long run, these lines can also remain visible without you making that movement; these are wrinkles. ​ The best treatment in this case is to remove the cause of the wrinkle, which is the movement. We do this by relaxing the muscles with botox. The best result is achieved when you treat the forehead in combination with the frown. TREATMENT : BOTOX FOREHEAD DURATION OF TREATMENT: 5 -10 MINUTES PAIN: MINIMAL VISIBLE: AFTER 4-5 DAYS RECOVERY TIME: NONE RESULT: WRINKLES DISAPPEAR/SOFTEN DURATION EFFECT: 3-5 MONTHS PRICE: €175,- (+FROWN €300,-) CONSULTATION: FREE AFTER CARE: 24 HOURS NO SUN/SAUNA/SPORT TREATMENT During the consultation we discuss your wishes and everything is explained. Botox is injected into the muscle with an ultra-thin needle. Small red bumps may be visible in the places where the needle has been punctured, these will disappear within an hour. Sometimes a small bruise or some headache occurs, this usually disappears within a few days. After 60 minutes you can safely use camouflage, arnica ointment or paracetamol if necessary. ​ After 4-5 days you will see that it starts to take effect, after 14 days it works completely. ​ For optimal results, it is best to avoid heat (sun/sauna) for 24 hours, do not exercise and do not massage the treated area. ​ Once the movement returns, the treatment can be repeated. EFFECT Botox ensures that the targeted muscles remain relaxed for 3-5 months. ​ The eyebrows can still be raised, but less high Folds due to movement (dynamic lines) can no longer arise The skin gets time to recover Wrinkles at rest (static lines) soften or disappear over months Possible headaches reduce in 70% of the cases

  • COVID MAATREGELEN | Clinic Dokter C

    COVID REGULATIONS In connection with COVID-19, there are currently a number of important measures based on the guidelines of the RIVM. I would like to ask you to read these measures carefully and to respect them during your visit. Do not come to the clinic if you suffer from: Fever (> 38 degrees) or a feverish feeling Sore throat, cough, shortness of breath or a cold Diarrhea Your symptoms have disappeared for less than 24 hours and at least 7 days have passed since the start of the symptoms. ​ Do not come to the clinic when: You came back from an orange or red area less than 10 days ago. A roommate is in home isolation You are part of a contact investigation ​ Furthermore, the following applies: A 'no shaking hands' policy. The basic principle is that people come to their appointment alone. Be on time, but no earlier than 5 minutes before the start of your appointment to avoid a full waiting room. Are you earlier? Preferably wait in the car or outside at an appropriate distance from any other people present. Wearing a nose and mouth cap is not mandatory, but the doctor does wear one. Disinfect your hands before and after a visit. There is disinfection material for this at the entrance/exit. Everyone keeps 1,5 meters distance in the entire clinic. Preference is given to payment via pin.

  • PROFHILO | Clinic Dokter Charlotte Laren

    CHEEKS Profhilo is 100% puur hyaluronzuur en zorgt voor een verbetering van de huidstructuur. Het stimuleert je eigen collageen en elastine aanmaak en gaat op die manier huidverslapping tegen. Door het hyaluronzuur wordt de huid daarnaast ook goed gehydrateerd waardoor je huid er gezonde en stralend uitziet. Dit type hyaluronzuur geeft geen volume en is dus geen filler! Ideaal als je wel goed voor je huid wil zorgen, maar (nog) geen verandering wil in de vorm van je gezicht. ​ Profhilo kan voor het gelaat worden gebruikt maar werkt ook uitstekend voor andere plaatsen met huidverslapping zoals de hals, decolleté, buik en ledematen. Voor behandelingen op het lichaam is de Profhilo Body kit ontwikkeld; hier zit meer hyaluronzuur, een verzorgende patch en body creme in, zodat je het resultaat thuis verder kan optimaliseren. ​ De behandeling bestaat meestal uit een kuur van 2 of 3 behandelingen, afhankelijk van het te behandelen gebied en de mate van huidverslapping . BEHANDELING : PROFHILO DUUR BEHANDELING: 1 TOT 3 KEER 15 MIN PIJN: MATIG ZICHTBAAR: OPTIMALE RESULTAAT NA 3 MND HERSTELTIJD: 0-3 DAGEN (BIJ BLAUWE PLEK) RESULTAAT: VERBETEREN/VERSTEVIGEN HUID DUUR: 6-12 MAANDEN PRIJS: VANAF €625,- (KUUR 2 BEHANDELINGEN) VRIJBLIJVEND CONSULT: GRATIS NAZORG: 1 DAG NIET SPORTEN, GEEN ZON/SAUNA/ANDERE GEZICHTSBEHANDELINGEN ONDERGAAN. GEMIDDELD NODIG: 2 BEHANDELINGEN TREATMENT During the consultation we discuss your wishes and everything is explained. With a cannula, the filler is evenly distributed over the cheeks. Some redness may be visible after the treatment, which usually disappears within an hour. Sometimes a bruise occurs, it usually disappears in 4-10 days. You can safely use camouflage or arnica ointment after 24 hours if necessary. ​ The nice thing about fillers; you see immediate results! It does take some time to settle down, after 6-8 weeks the result is on its best. ​ For optimal results, it is best not to exercise for 24 hours and avoid heat (sun/sauna) and other beauty treatments for 2 weeks. ​ As soon as you notice that the cheeks are sinking in again, the treatment can be repeated. You often need less product than the first time. EFFECT A filler gives volume and stays in place in the cheeks for an average of 6-12 months. ​​ Reduce wrinkles Softer shape, associated with youthfulness Healthier, younger and more cheerful appearance


    TERMS AND CONDITIONS Applicability These general terms and conditions apply to all expressions, services, products and materials of Clinic Dokter Charlotte. If a specific agreement exists, such as a treatment agreement, then they are deemed to be part of this agreement. Definitions other party Customers, suppliers, employees, students, contacts on social media. Utterances Any communication from Clinic Dokter Charlotte regardless of form and medium, such as website, written and oral information, social media reports, photos, printed matter, and so on. Materials Photos, video recordings, advertising and promotional materials, etc. Services Treatment methods, courses, information, presentations, sales and promotion of products. Products The products used and supplied by Clinic Dokter Charlotte. Delivery The expressions, services, products and materials of Clinic Dokter Charlotte are performed and delivered with the greatest possible care without undue delay. If, nevertheless, there are errors or defects in the services and/or products provided by Clinic Dokter Charlotte, these will be remedied as soon as possible insofar as this is reasonably possible. Force majeur Force majeure means any circumstance beyond the control of Clinic Dokter Charlotte, such as fire, flood, strike, exceptional weather conditions or government measures, pandemics, non-delivery by suppliers of Clinic Dokter Charlotte, and so on. If it is not possible to deliver certain products, services or materials due to force majeure, Clinic Dokter Charlotte will suspend delivery and, if possible, deliver as soon as the force majeure situation has ended. If this is no longer possible, the relevant agreement will lapse. The other party cannot derive any rights from non-delivery due to force majeure. Clinic Dokter Charlotte is not liable for damage suffered by the other party as a result of non-delivery due to force majeure. Termination agreement If the other party does not fulfill his/her obligations towards Clinic Dokter Charlotte, or does not fulfill it in time or in full, if the other party is in a state of bankruptcy or suspension of payment, has applied for this, or if its assets have been seized, then Clinic Dokter Charlotte the right to terminate the agreement in question without notice of default, while retaining the right to any compensation. Intellectual property rights None of the expressions, services, products and materials of Clinic Dokter Charlotte may be copied or otherwise reproduced, digitally or analogously, without express written permission. Such permission can only be granted by Drs. Charlotte Franke and can be requested via . It is also prohibited to change the content of the website or other social media. The information provided by Clinic Dokter Charlotte (including image and sound material) on the website or in the social media is copyrighted, either by Clinic Dokter Charlotte or by suppliers of Clinic Dokter Charlotte. It is therefore strictly prohibited to copy and/or otherwise reproduce such material. If the other party provides information (regardless of what form) via the website and/or social media, it is assumed that this is not subject to copyright, unless this is expressly indicated. If this is not expressly indicated, the Clinic Doctor Charlotte is free to use such information. Liability Despite the fact that the greatest possible care is taken to correctly and completely offer all expressions, products and services of Clinic Dokter Charlotte, complete satisfaction cannot be guaranteed. Clinic Dokter Charlotte is in no way liable for any direct or indirect damage as a result of or related to (the use of) the information provided or products and services provided by Clinic Dokter Charlotte (only medical cosmetic services to which the treatment agreement applies). ), unless otherwise provided by law. References to other websites, apps or companies are for the information of the respective reader only. Clinic Dokter Charlotte cannot guarantee the content and functioning of external websites or companies, nor the quality of any products and/or services offered there. Any liability with regard to websites, apps or companies that are not of Clinic Dokter Charlotte is disclaimed. Personal information The other party agrees to any storage of personal data provided and to be provided in an electronic file (such as the electronic patient file) and the mailing file of Clinic Dokter Charlotte. The registered data can be used for various purposes, such as the realization of statistics, administration of the treatments or purchases, etcetera. The other party hereby expressly consents to such use. Use of the data for promotion and advertising requires separate consent from the other party. Clinic Doctor Charlotte is responsible for these digital files. The rightholder has the right to request the relevant files, as described in the legislation for the protection of personal data. For this, a written request, with signature and copy of identification, must be submitted to Drs. Charlotte Franke via or via +31353031309. Prices and payment The prices for the services and products are stated on the website. The other party is obliged to pay the amounts published on the website to Clinic Dokter Charlotte as soon as he/she purchases a product or service. Any discounts must be determined in writing/digitally by Clinic Dokter Charlotte prior to the purchase of a product or service. If this has not been done, Clinic Dokter Charlotte assumes that the other party agrees with and is aware of the published rates and is obliged to pay the full amount. Clinic Doctor Charlotte has the right to request (partial) payment in advance for certain services. If such advance payment does not take place, Clinic Dokter Charlotte has the right not to provide the relevant service. If the other party comes after a treatment, product or service for a follow-up treatment, product or service, including improvement or correction of a treatment performed previously, Clinic Dokter Charlotte is entitled to use the then applicable rates as published on this website. Complaints Do you have a complaint or are you dissatisfied with a product or service from Clinic Dokter Charlotte? If the other party is not satisfied with a service or product, the other party is expected to report this to Clinic Dokter Charlotte. If it proves impossible to satisfy the other party in mutual consultation, there is a clear complaints procedure. It is also possible to contact an independent complaints officer directly. See the complaints page for more information. A form for submitting a complaint is available via . Amendments Clinic Dokter Charlotte is free to change these General Terms and Conditions at any time. After amendment, all previous versions of the General Terms and Conditions will expire. In the event that any provision of these General Terms and Conditions is unenforceable by law, the other provisions will remain in full force and effect and the relevant provision will be amended as soon as possible in such a way that it is in accordance with the law. Applicable law and choice of forum Dutch law applies to these conditions. Any disputes will be submitted to the Dutch court.

  • Over Dokter Charlotte

    DR. CHARLOTTE COSMETIC DOCTOR KNMG After completing medical school at VUmc in Amsterdam, I enjoyed working as a doctor in the hospital for a number of years. ​ First at the department of general surgery in Tergooi (Hilversum and Blaricum) and later at the department of plastic surgery in OLVG in Amsterdam. ​ All that surgical experience was a perfect preparation for my specialization in cosmetic medicine! Now I work full-time with injectables (botox and fillers) and have performed more than 3000 treatments. ​ COMFORT! I am a member of the Dutch Association of Cosmetic Medicine (NVCG) and regularly attend masterclasses, conferences and refresher courses to broaden my knowledge and keep it up to date. ​ Apart from my clinic in Laren I also work at Esthetisch Centrum Jan van Goyen in Amsterdam South. One of the other clinics I formerly have worked is Clinic Doctor Frodo. ​ The title cosmetic doctor KNMG is a protected title, reserved only for doctors with enough experience and quality within the profession of cosmetic medicine. In this way you can easily see which doctor is safe to choose to perform your treatment with injectables. ​ It's really nice to be able to not only help someone look fresher, but also makes them feel better. ​ For me, the comfort of the client and a natural result is very important. ​ Are you interested in what I can do for you? Make an appointment for a free consultation without any obligation! ​ BIG number 79920968201

  • Alle behandelingen bij Clinic Dokter Charlotte in Laren


  • Behandelingen bij Clinic Dokter Charlotte in Laren

    TREATMENTS At Clinic Dokter Charlotte we will make an analysis of your whole face and your facial expression during the consultation and with 3D photography. Combined with your wishes we make an individual treatment plan with the best treatment(s) for you. This results in the finest longterm results with a natural appearance. Ofcourse you decide yourself which treatment(s) you want to do. PRICES Clinic Doctor Charlotte only uses the best and safe brands of botox and fillers. View the rates here. PRICES LIST BOTOX Botox is a temporary muscle relaxer. If you suffer from headaches, grinding, clenching your jaw or have/want to prevent movement wrinkles , Botox may be a suitable solution. READ MORE FILLERS A filler is a filler, it can restore lost or lacking volume within or under the skin. That way we kan create a fresher look and slow down the ageing process. READ MORE SKIN IMPROVEMENT Pure Hyaluronic Acid stimulates the production of collagen and elastin in the skin. This results, among other things, in better hydration, a firmer structure and a more even complexion. READ MORE ALL TREATMENTS For the most beautiful and long-lasting effect with a natural result, a combination of treatments is often best. We are happy to advise you about the possibilities in a free and non-binding consultation. READ MORE TARIEVEN

  • MONDHOEKEN FILLER | Clinic Dokter Charlotte Laren 't Gooi

    MOUTH CORNERS Turning the corners of your mouth down can give you a dissatisfied or gloomy expression, while (hopefully) you don't feel that way at all! This can be congenital but also come with age due to a reduction in firmness and elasticity in the skin. In the latter case you can sometimes see that lines have developed from the corners of the mouth down to the jawline, we call these marionette lines . ​ The position of the corners of the mouth can be adjusted by means of a filler. TREATMENT : FILLER MOUTH CORNERS DURATION OF TREATMENT: 10 MINUTES PAIN: MODERATE VISIBLE: DIRECTLY RECOVERY TIME: 0-14 DAYS (WHEN BRUISED) RESULT: NEUTRAL POSITION MOUTH CORNERS DURATION: 6 - 12 MONTHS PRICE: FROM €400,- CONSULTATION: FREE AFTER CARE: 24 HOURS NO SPORT + 2 WEEKS NO SUN/SAUNA AVERAGE NEEDED: 1 - 2 ML TREATMENT During the consultation we discuss your wishes and everything is explained. The filler is placed in place with a thin needle or cannula. Some redness may be visible after the treatment, which usually disappears within an hour. The chance of bruising is somewhat greater in this place and swelling can also occur, this takes a maximum of two weeks. You can safely use camouflage or arnica ointment after 24 hours if necessary. ​ The nice thing about fillers; you see immediate results! It does take some time to settle down, after 6-8 weeks the result is on its best. ​ For optimal results, it is best not to exercise for 24 hours and avoid heat (sun/sauna) and other beauty treatments for 2 weeks. ​ As soon as you notice that the corners of the mouth are starting to drop again, the treatment can be repeated. EFFECT A filler gives volume and stays in place at the corners of the mouth for an average of 6-12 months. ​​ The corners of the mouth are lifted to a neutral position Lines disappear or soften The expression is fresh and more cheerful

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